The following terms and conditions set out below form part of the contract between Ecosystem Expert Academy Pty Ltd t/as WhichAddOn ("WhichAddOn") and the client. 

They are governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia.

Validity of Proposal 

All proposals are valid for a period of 7 days. 

Commencement of Work

Work will only commence on the project following receipt of a signed Acceptance of Proposal, and payment of the deposit invoice. 


The client agrees to pay the invoiced amount within the agreed terms. Should a client's account become outstanding for any service invoiced, WhichAddOn has the authority to suspend all or any services as provided by WhichAddOn until the account is brought up to date. 

Fees for Service

It is agreed that the fee for service shall be the base price and/or any additional options that have been accepted, which is provided in the attached proposal. If work undertaken exceeds the items specified in this proposal, the client agrees to pay appropriate fees for the excess work. 

Excess Work

This is defined as any work involving additions to the list of items as specified in the scope of work to be undertaken, or changes to training materials or processes following sign off by an authorised representative of the client.

Client Changes

Client changes made in addition to the agreed proposal terms permitted will be charged at standard hourly rates.

Third-Party Integration

Integration with third-party software can only be implemented with the current version of the software or API available at the time of development. WhichAddOn cannot guarantee that further updates of third-party software will remain compatible. 

For example, should third-party organisations make changes to software, WhichAddOn will provide an hourly rate for updates if required. 

Goods and Services Tax

Unless otherwise specified, any fees, rates or prices quoted in this document exclude GST of 10%. WhichAddOn invoices comply with the requirements for a 'Tax Invoice'. 


Title in all Intellectual Property generated during the undertaking of the work, including but not limited to the copyright of manuals, information, material reports, layouts, sound recordings, video recordings and other output, does not pass to the client until payment is received in full.Once full payment is received, it is agreed that the client will have the exclusive right to retain and reproduce any manuals, information, material reports, layouts, sound recordings, video recordings and other output, which is produced from the performance of the work outlined in this proposal. It is agreed that WhichAddOn hereby assign to the client, upon written acceptance of this proposal, all rights, title and interest in the future copyright of any manuals, information, material reports, layouts, sound recordings, video recordings and other output which is produced, extended or modified during the performance of the work outlined. This granting of copyright does not extend to the use of proposals submitted, but not approved by the client, for the work outlined in this proposal. All rights pass to the client following full payment of all outstanding invoices.


The material contained in this letter/document and any correspondence is client confidential and must not be made available to any other person or organisation without written approval from WhichAddOn. 

It is agreed that the employees of WhichAddOn shall not at any time, either during the continuance of the work outlined or thereafter, except in the course of their duties, divulge any of the confidential affairs of the client or any of its clients or associated companies to anyone whatsoever without the previous consent in writing of the client. 

Limitation of Liability

WhichAddOn will not be liable for any damages suffered by the client from any cause whatsoever and will not be responsible for any consequential damage suffered by the client or by any other party. 

Client Responsibility

The client remains responsible for the content of the training materials and processes ongoing, 

Amendments to these Terms and Condition

All and any amendments to the terms and conditions outlined must be provided in writing by the client and signed by an authorised representative of WhichAddOn prior to the commencement of work outlined in this submission.​

In signing a proposal or quotation with WAOConnect, you agree to the above terms and conditions. You will be emailed a copy of your signed proposal/quotation for your records.