WAOAnalytics / Odoo Dashboards

Odoo Dashboards by WAOAnalytics: Insightful, Integrated, & Up-to-Date.    

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Maximising Data Insights with Odoo Dashboards

Maximising Data Insights 
with Odoo Dashboards.

In today’s data-centric business environment, particularly in Australia and New Zealand, effective data visualisation is key to making informed decisions. 

While Odoo Dashboards offer powerful internal data collation, WAOAnalytics recognises the need for broader integration for businesses utilising multiple data sources. 

Our approach ensures you harness the full potential of your data, whether it’s housed in Odoo or beyond.

Data Integration with Amazon Quicksight

Data Integration with Amazon Quicksight

To address this, WAOAnalytics offers a data integration tool that syncs your Odoo data with Amazon Quicksight. This integration allows for a comprehensive analysis of data from both Odoo and external sources, offering a complete view of your business insights.



For businesses using external data sources like Google Analytics, Shopify, Xero, or spreadsheet-based data feeds, Odoo Dashboards might not be sufficient to collate all this information.

Understanding the Scope & 
Limitations of Odoo Dashboards. 

Internal Data Visualization

Internal Data 

Odoo Dashboards excel in aggregating and visualising data generated within Odoo. This is ideal if your business operations are fully integrated within the Odoo ecosystem.

The Importance of Being on the Latest Odoo Version

The Importance of 
Being on the Latest 
Odoo Version. 

Advancements in v16 & v17 

Recent improvements in Odoo v16 and v17 have significantly enhanced the capabilities of Odoo Dashboards. These updates offer more advanced features and improved user experiences.

Upgrade Recommendation

If you’re not on these latest versions, we strongly recommend upgrading to fully leverage the potential of Odoo Dashboards. Upgrading ensures you access the most advanced tools for data analysis and decision-making.

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Making the Most of 
Odoo Dashboards.  

Frequently Asked Questions

While Odoo Dashboards primarily handle data within Odoo, our integration with Amazon Quicksight allows you to merge and analyse data from external sources alongside your Odoo data.

Upgrading to the latest versions, such as v16 or v17, brings enhanced dashboard functionalities, more intuitive data visualisation tools, and a better overall user experience.

How can WAOAnalytics assist in integrating my external data 
with Odoo Dashboards?

We specialise in creating seamless integrations between Odoo and external data sources. 

Our team will set up and configure the integration, ensuring your data is accurately synchronised and visualised.

With WAOAnalytics, gain not just a dashboard but a comprehensive data solution that spans across your internal and external business data. 

Our expertise in both Odoo and broader data integration technologies like Amazon Quicksight positions us uniquely to elevate your data analysis capabilities

Choose WAOAnalytics for 
Comprehensive Data Visualisation

Contact Us to Begin Your Odoo ERP Implementation Journey

Contact Us to Enhance Your Business Insights with Advanced Odoo Dashboards.

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