How to Choose the Right Inventory Management System

What you will learn in this free webinar:

One of the fastest and most effective ways you can grow your business is to set up systems that give you access to information that will help you make better decisions. Having the wrong systems in place can stifle your business with wasted time, poor staff performance and no visibility into the business in general, let alone what’s working and what’s not. 

If you feel like you are constantly putting out fires in your business and you need help to bring everything back into balance, this free webinar might just help you. 

Jeri Wambeek is an inventory management and cloud systems expert that has helped hundreds of businesses globally choose and implement the right inventory management system for their business. 

In this free webinar, she will take you through the 8 major considerations when choosing the right inventory management system for your business, including:

  • What is an inventory management system (it doesn’t have to be overcomplicated or expensive)

  • What are your options for different inventory management systems

  • Why do you need an inventory management system 

  • When is your business the “right size” for an inventory management system 

  • Who do you need to involve from your business in choosing the right inventory management system

  • How to document your business needs to know what you are looking for in an inventory management system

  • How to document your main workflows so you can test the different systems available to you (including integrations)

  • How to determine the true price of an inventory management system to your business 

  • Some tips on getting your system implemented successfully - without making all the rookie mistakes!

 Yep! ALL of this in a FREE, live webinar!

 Register now to reserve your spot!

Date & Time
1 March 2022
8:00 pm 9:00 pm Australia/Sydney

Zoom Online

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+61 2 8860 9525

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 Jeri Wambeek

Steered by Jeri Wambeek.

Co-founder/Chief Revenue Officer, WAO Group.

An accountant by profession, Jeri is the Co-founder and Chief Revenue Officer of WAO Group, Australia's trusted Odoo Partner, steering a team of over 40 professionals to help product-based businesses thrive in the cloud through Odoo solutions. She is also a Cloud Ecosystem Expert with a strong focus on Inventory and Supply Chain Management.

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